Our Independence Day initiative represents a very successful trade incentive incorporating key partners and an in-house microsite.


The promotion was based around Delta’s Experience America fare in conjunction with joint-venture partner Virgin Australia. The destinational element provided a synergy and partnership opportunity with Brand USA and a 4th July launch of the campaign.


Key to the success of the campaign was a microsite designed and hosted by The Walshe Group via our trade website.

Travel agents were required to answer 5 educational questions, achieve a minimum of 5 bookings on Delta/Virgin and complete at least one new badge of the USA Discovery Program.

The initiative was also promoted via the leading trade publications.


The microsite ExperienceAmericaVADL.com.au  hosted content and tracked bookings


The campaign was an undoubted success providing excellent value for Delta and our partners. Along with the brand and destination coverage, the revenue achieved for both VA + DL reached $503k. This reflected a 12% increase for Delta YoY.