The progression of our company since its foundation in the 1970’s has helped shape us to become a leader in evolving a tourism industry that has greater meaning, depth and positive impact. Even before the immergence of the term Regenerative Tourism, we have been pursuing initiatives that have gone beyond the traditional tourism formular. Initiatives inspired by creating a powerful force of change, built on connections, culture, the environment and young leaders.

The Walshe Group can help you build your regenerative and cultural tourism programmes. From practical application through to connecting you to the partners that will assist and influence. 

DitO -  Drop in the Ocean

Unique visitor experiences driving regenerative change. We beleive that just one drop has the ability to create a ripple.  A ripple that can gather momentum to make a wave of change.  Helping you take sustainable tourism one step further. Where the visitor, through respectful, mutual interaction with the local community and environment, plays a part in an uplifting tourism experience that has wider, long-lasting benefits

Marketing & Distribution

Helping tell your story to the people to whom it will resonate. Including a targeted content marketing approach that inspires and enlightens.  

Tourism Product Design

Product that creates positive experiences and benefits that flow through to the environment, community and local culture. While also providing an enriching, sometimes life-changing, experience for the visitor.

Government and Community

Our company success has been based around connecting our clients to the opportunities that matter. Our networks and relationships have been built around experience, trust and proven success.



Here's what our clients have to say about working with us.