Jacqui has always believed that it is important to actively participate in the collective requirement of the travel and tourism industry, to play her part in contributing to the greater good. 

Over the last fifteen years, she has held board positions, and directorships in companies both in and outside the tourism sector.  As a graduate of AICD (Australian Institute of Company Directors), the contributions have generally been as treasurer and chair of board audit and finance committees. 

Jacqui has been privileged to be Treasurer and Deputy Chair of the Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) through the maximum six year term.  As a direct result of a change to management and a refreshed board leadership team, ATEC was able to achieve a million dollar turn-around in its finances from January 2014.  This has allowed the organisation to halve membership fees during Covid-19 and provide some genuine value to members including online training and webinars to assist business recovery and a strong government lobby on behalf of the inbound sector.

This year, Jacqui was pleased to be appointed to the Tourism Restart Taskforce, for the duration of Covid-19 until international borders reopen.   The Taskforce is comprised of tourism industry leaders that are all very passionate about getting travel, tourism and hospitality back in business as soon as it is safe to do so. 

More recently she was invited to be the tourism representative on the Ministerial Advisory Committee of Senator the Hon. Simon Birmingham, Australian Federal Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment.  This committee was established in 2020.


Project Scope – meaningful contribution to the tourism sector, multiple interest groups and a vital industry for the economy


Service type – board membership and active involvement in decision making and a meaningful time commitment