After an extensive application process, Southern Travelnet Ltd, a sister company of The Walshe Group, has achieved status as a Toitū carbonreduce certified organisation.

Southern Travelnet is a long-established inbound tour operator specialising in selling New Zealand and Australia tourism product to the travel trade market in Japan.

This certification is awarded to companies who actively work to measure and manage their carbon footprint. This includes measuring all operational greenhouse gas emissions required under the international standard for carbon footprints including vehicles, business travel, fuel and electricity, paper, and waste.

Toitū is a team of scientists and business experts who help businesses be more sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint through a system of environmental programmes. Since 2001, their programmes have ensured that New Zealand companies are benefiting from international best practice, applied science, and effective tools.

Operating in the tourism industry, Southern Travelnet’s operational decisions and choice of supplier partners can have an impact on the local environment. Southern Travelnet is committed to minimising its impact on climate change through the reduction of its carbon footprint. The company’s objectives for the future include finding synergy with suppliers across the trade network, working with eco-friendly tour options from accredited suppliers and improving efficiency of the company’s premises, assets and electricity use.

Southern Travelnet’s commitments, including greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and plans, have been validated in line with Toitū carbonreduce programme requirements.